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The Chamber

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Monthly Membership Meetings


San Augustine Co. Chamber of Commerce hosts a Monthly Membership Meeting January - November on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at the Log Cabin.  The meeting is held at 12 noon and is catered by a local restuarant or caterer.  The meal is $10 per person. During the one hour meeting, Chamber event and activitiy details are discussed, community updates are given, the Business of The Month is introduced and a short featured program is given.  We invite you to join this opporunity to network with business owners, leaders and community members.  




Chamber Events


San Augustine Co. Chamber of Commerce  hosts numerous annual events throughout the community to promote and generate funds for toursim and economic development.  Learn more about the Chamber events here.

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Ribbon Cuttings


San Augustine Co. Chamber of Commerce sponsors and promotes new business Grand Openings and re-openings in our community!  We are proud to support your business endeavors and encourage you to contact the Chamber to learn more about becoming a Chamber Member and scheduling your ribbon cutting.



Community Event Promotion & Partcipation


San Augustine Co. Chamber is proud of the communites we serve and we are happy to share with our membership of the wonderful activities you and your organziation are hosting.  Feel free to share these event details with us via email or by calling the office.  


Check out the Community Calendar here.



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